Below are training and technical assistance (T&TA) tools and guidance documents for collecting and reporting SRAE PAS performance measures. Measures include structure, cost, and support for implementation; attendance, reach, and dosage; and participant characteristics, behaviors, perceptions of program effects, and program experiences. To submit your performance measures data to ACF, access the Performance Measures Portal during the data collection window.

Frequently Asked Questions and Overview Documents
Frequently Asked Questions: Measures of Structure, Cost, and Support for Program Implementation
Frequently Asked Questions: Measures of Attendance, Reach, and Dosage
Frequently Asked Questions: Measures of Participant Characteristics, Behaviors, Perceptions of Program Effects, and Program Experiences
Frequently Asked Questions: Approvals/IRBs, Online Data Collection, Survey Administration, and Surveys
SRAE Dashboard Quick Start Guide
Recommended T&TA Content for New Grantee Staff
Performance Measures Definitions
SRAE Participant Entry and Exit Surveys Measures Guide
Measures of Attendance, Reach, and Dosage
Measures of Structure, Cost, and Support for Program Implementation
Preparing for SRAE Performance Measures Data Collection
SRAE Waiver Policy Letter
SRAE Partnerships Letter
Questions to Guide Discussions with Partners: SRAE Participant Entry and Exit Survey Data Collection Policies, Practices, and Processes
Portal Manual of Operations
SRAE PAS Survey Translation Tip Sheet
IRB/Human Subjects Protections and Data Privacy
Overview of SRAE Performance Measures / Human Subjects and Privacy Protections for Grantees - October 18, 2022
IRB Tip Sheet
Template for Parent Consent Form
Template for Youth Assent Form
Example IRB Application
Example Staff Confidentiality Agreement
SRAE Performance Measures Data Privacy and Security Requirements
Participant Entry and Exit Survey Instruments
High School Participant Entry Survey
High School Participant Entry Survey - version for programs participating in impact studies
Middle School Participant Entry Survey
Middle School Participant Entry Survey - version for programs participating in impact studies
High School Participant Exit Survey
Middle School Participant Exit Survey
High School Participant Entry Survey - Spanish
High School Participant Entry Survey - Spanish - version for programs participating in impact studies
Middle School Participant Entry Survey - Spanish
Middle School Participant Entry Survey - Spanish - version for programs participating in impact studies
High School Participant Exit Survey - Spanish
Middle School Participant Exit Survey - Spanish
Guides for Participant Entry and Exit Survey Instruments
SRAE Participant Entry and Exit Surveys Change Guide
SRAE Participant Entry and Exit Surveys Measures Guide
Optional Data Recording Tools for 2024
October 2024-September 2025, Structure-Cost-Support Provider Program-Level Data Tool
October 2024-September 2025, Structure-Cost-Support Grantee-Level Data Tool
Participant Entry Survey Tool
Participant Exit Survey Tool
July 2024-December 2024, Participant Attendance by Hours Data Tool
July 2024-December 2024, Participant Attendance by Session Data Tool
Guidance for Online Data Collection
Tip Sheet: Obtaining Parental Consent for Online Data Collection Involving Youth
Considerations When Testing SRAE Participant Entry and Exit Web-based Survey Performance Measures
Data Collection: Youth with Special Needs
Data Collection with Youth with Special Needs, Including Youth with Low Reading Comprehension, Learning Disabilities, Cognitive Disabilities, or Communication Disorders
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